What is RPA Migration? Everything You Need to Know

What is RPA Migration Everything You Need to Know

Robotic process automation or RPA plays a critical role in helping organisations streamline their operations. One may think that RPA is a recent technology, but it is not the case. It has been around for a while now. It is why organisations are becoming frustrated with their legacy RP solutions and looking for upgrades. This is where RPA migration comes into play.

Defining RPA Migration

It refers to the process in which an organisation moves their entire RPA infrastructure to another platform. For example, an organisation migrates their Microsoft Power Automate RPA solutions to Electroneek. No doubt that it all seems quite easy but there are numerous challenges during the migration process.

Agile Managex Technologies will discuss the challenges associated with RPA and how to start the migration process.

RPA Migration Challenges

Process Identification

RPA migration is all about moving a legacy RPA infrastructure to a newer platform. However, it does not mean that you can move all the processes. Older solutions may not be entirely compatible the new platform. The RPA solutions provider will need to optimise the processes for the newer platform. Most organisations fail to identify the processes correctly, leading to issues.

Legacy System Integration

The best thing about RPA is that it works with any system without requiring infrastructure investments. However, ensuring synergy between legacy and newer RPA systems is a challenge. There may be problems such as lack of APIs. These issues are resolvable as long you have a reliable RPA solutions provider working on the migration.

Change Management

Whenever an organisation is implementing a change, there will always be resistance to it. RPA migration is no exception to this rule. The employees are familiar with the older systems and may find learning a newer platform challenging. Therefore, may create hurdles in the migration. For example, they might share an incomplete picture of the current RPA infrastructure with the implementing team.

Cost Management

Additionally, the organisation needs to keep an eye on the costs. They need to consider whether the migration is more cost-effective over implementing new RPA solutions from scratch? The organisation will need to consider multiple factors such as platform cost, employee training, and maintenance.

Top Management Support

Lastly, top management support is critical to any project. After all, it is the management that commits the necessary resources for the RPA migration. Apart from the resources, their knowledge and experience can prove highly beneficial. Without their support, it can be challenging to ensure a successful migration. Therefore, an organisation must strive to win over the top management’s support.

When to Start the RPA Migration Process?

When should you consider migrating your RPA infrastructure to a new platform? It is a question which only the concerned organisation can answer. However, based on our RPA experience, we have identified several signs that indicate an organisation should consider migration.

One of the signs is that your existing RPA solutions are producing too many errors. For instance, you have an RPA solution to automate your reporting process. For the past several months, you notice frequent errors that you need to fix manually. 

Second, your RPA vendor may be increasing licensing fees, meaning your existing solutions are no longer cost-effective. When this happens, you should actively look for alternatives as there are numerous RPA vendors available now.

The third issue is scalability. Your business might be facing trouble scaling their existing RPA solutions. It means the solutions are no longer compatible with the growing needs of your organisation.


Contact us if your organisation is facing the above issues or having doubts about the current RPA infrastructure. Agile Managex Technologies can help you migrate your existing RPA infrastructure to a new platform of your choosing or provide you with expert advice on how to do it effectively. The best thing about is that we offer RPA as a Service, meaning you don’t have to worry about any upfront costs.

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