Ways To Secure Digital Assets of your Business - AgileMTech

Ways To Secure Digital Assets of your Business

A vital part of any organization is its digital assets. It holds critical information, often the source of an organization’s competitive advantage. Unfortunately, with the advancement of technology, cybercrime has also become advanced. Hackers keep finding new ways to gain unauthorized access to your digital assets. It can be a significant setback for a business since the loss of data leads to business downtime, the threat of lawsuits, loss of competitive advantage, and reputational damage. Due to this reason, every business entity needs to step up its security to protect its digital assets from ending up in the wrong hands (hackers). In this article, Agile Managex Technologies, a leading managed IT security services provider in Dubai, will discuss safety measures to protect your digital assets.

Ways To Secure Digital Assets

Identify Vulnerability

It is essential to continuously identify and locate different risks a company faces to protect it against threats. The IT team should be aware of new vulnerabilities arising in the industry or system-related risks. Timely action should be taken to mitigate the risk and protect digital assets.

Regularly Update Softwares

Software updates can be frustrating, and most organizations and individuals ignore them, especially when the frequency is high. However, this is a huge mistake. Outdated software is vulnerable to crashes, malfunctions, and hacking. It is why we get so many software updates after regular intervals. Keeping our software updated reduces our system vulnerability and safeguards our company’s digital assets.

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Include User Authentication

Since digital assets are an essential part of a business, they are usually accessible to a few individuals only. Therefore, user authentication will enhance the digital assets’ security and ensure only those who gain access to it have authorization. Some commonly used user authentication requirements include an association of a password and a username. Safer and more sophisticated methods include biometric verification. 

Create Awareness Among Employees

Most cybercrime incidents occur due to human error or the carelessness of employees. It’s not because they do it on purpose; instead, it occurs due to a lack of awareness and knowledge. Employees sometimes casually share the password of digital assets with other individuals, which paves the way for cyberattacks and the loss of valuable information. Therefore, there is a need to impart awareness to improve the organization’s overall security. Awareness can be provided through workshops or by cybersecurity experts.

Know Where The Assets Are Accessed From

The organization’s IT team can identify and take timely precautions if they know where the digital assets are accessed. Some employees work from home, while others work from the office or other locations. If someone tries to access the digital assets through a different location unfamiliar to the IT team, they can immediately block that individual and take preventive measures. Hence the employees need to inform the IT team of any change in their location to avoid unnecessary panic and confusion.

Set Strong Password

One of the common reasons why digital assets get unauthorized access is due to having weak passwords in effect. Hackers can easily hack into your passwords if they are short or lack special characters or numbers. Therefore, to keep digital assets safe, you need to set strong passwords which are not easy to break. Examples of solid passwords include having a long password of about 12 characters. Moreover, make special characters, numbers, and upper and lower cases part of the password. These characteristics make it difficult for hackers to break into. Not only do you need to have a strong password, but you also need to change it regularly.


With our extensive experience in providing managed IT security services to clients across different industries, we promise that these tips will set you in the right direction. However, these tips are only a start. Contact us if you wish to ensure your digital assets’ proactive and comprehensive protection. We will explain how we can add value to your business by guaranteeing robust security across your organization.

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