Things To Cover In Your Managed Services Agreement

Things To Cover In Your Managed Services Agreement

When you make up your mind to avail the services of a managed service IT provider in UAE, you must sign a formal contract with the service provider. The contract will contain all the vital details regarding what type of services are part of the agreement, along with the terms and conditions. The contract also mentions what your organization expects from the managed service provider. To ensure you get the best service from them, let us look at what a well-managed service agreement should contain.

What To Cover In A Managed Service Agreement?

  1. Disaster Recovery Plan

Every business must have a disaster recovery plan to deal with mishaps. One should be fully prepared for it and have a clear plan of action to minimize the damage and ensure business continuity without causing much disruption. Organizations can suffer substantial financial losses and reputational damage if no disaster recovery plan exists. So, always include a disaster recovery plan in your managed IT service agreement. 

  1. Cybersecurity

No matter how advanced technology or systems you have in your organization, there is always a risk of cybercrimes. Hackers have advanced and found new ways to break into your system. A good managed IT service company will conduct a risk analysis of your organization’s vulnerability and check for high-risk areas. Then they will devise a plan to negate the risk and train the employees in cybersecurity.

  1. Secrecy Agreement

Undoubtedly, your managed IT service provider will have access to your company’s valuable information. So, there needs to be a mechanism to protect the data from the service provider, i.e., prevent misuse. For this purpose, a secrecy agreement is signed by the managed service provider, which bars them from sharing or accessing your organization’s information without authorization. In case of a breach, the service provider can be legally held liable.

  1. Mobile Device Management

There is a high risk of cybercrime when employees use their own computer devices. The risk increases substantially, primarily when they use mobile phones to access company data and information. Employees may use these devices unsafely, which may lead to data leaks and breach incidents. It is where mobile device management comes in. A good managed IT service provider will safeguard these devices and ensure that employees use them safely. Mobile device management enables remote tracking, wiping, and locking. It ensures that your data is not compromised. 

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  1. Terms And Conditions

Before signing the agreement, always read the terms and conditions of the contract, which can be tricky. Read it carefully and if you need help understanding something, contact the managed service provider to ask for clarification. These terms and conditions are for the service provider’s protection and your organization’s protection. It should contain essential information like prices, contract tenure, and service provider liability.

  1. Termination Of Agreement

One should always look for new opportunities. You might get a better offer or service from someone else or decide to shift to an in-house IT team. Therefore, before signing the agreement, look at the deal’s termination and check what penalties you would have to pay if you terminated the contract prematurely. If the contract expires, would you have to go into a new contract, or the same arrangement can be continued with the same terms and conditions?


The above tips will help make sure that your managed IT services agreement effectively meets your requirements. However, you don’t have to worry about anything when you select Agile Managex Technologies as your preferred managed IT services provider in Dubai. Our representative will explain each part of the agreement in straightforward terms to ensure that you have the clarity to make an informed decision. Contact us if you have any queries or want to know more about our services.

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