How to Create an RPA Training Strategy for Your Workforce

How to Create an RPA Training Strategy for Your Workforce

Undoubtedly, robotic process automation (RPA) plays a critical role in your organisation’s digital transformation. RPA is a software technology that automates process-based, time-consuming, and repetitive processes. With the help of RPA, you can free up your employees from such mundane work and allow them to work on mission-critical tasks. In other words, your employees can dedicate more time to tasks that create organisational value.

However, these benefits are only possible when your employees are comfortable with RPA. If there is a lack of training and understanding about RPA, employees will most likely resist it. Why? There are several reasons. A likely explanation is that whenever a business tries to implement new technology, there is bound to be some role redundancy. Although it is a misconception in the case of RPA, it is challenging to change peoples’ minds.

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But we recommend you check out “Why RPA Will Not Kill Jobs” and share it with your organisation before implementing RPA. It can help overcome employee resistance. Training is the most effective way to overcome resistance to RPA and ensure that your employees quickly embrace it. Today, Agile Managex Technologies will discuss everything there is to know about creating an RPA training strategy. 

RPA Training Strategy

Know Your Current Skill Level

Before implementing any new technology, it is pertinent to understand your workforce. It involves assessing their current skills and what they will require to reach a level your organisation expects from them. Without it, you cannot effectively know what the training should involve.

Define the Objectives

The next step is to define the training’s objectives. What are you trying to achieve from this training? Is it simply to implement the RPA and ensure that your employees have the necessary RPA training? The objectives could be multiple, including that the processes take less time to complete and there are fewer errors. The organisations must ensure that the objectives are S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound).

Identify the People to Undergo the Training

Organisational resources are limited. Therefore, it is imperative that organisations carefully consume them. What does this have to do with the RPA training? Not every employee can undergo the training as it would be unfeasible. Suppose you have a pool of 100 employees eligible for the training. Of those 100, only 25 people can opt for it. Therefore, the organisation must select employees who have better credentials than others. Credentials do not refer to educational or professional qualifications alone. There are plenty of other things to consider, including willingness to learn. You can learn about these things using surveys.

Select an Appropriate Method

The next step is to focus on the delivery method and training material. Again, you will require input from the employees undertaking the training. Conduct a survey to assess their preference and design the training accordingly. Most employees prefer a combination of on-job training and formal education.


This stage is crucial as you must ensure that the training has the desired impact. You can do so by referring to the objectives identified in the first stage. Are they being fulfilled? If not, then there is a need to redesign the training process.

Continuous Learning

The last stage is providing employees with a platform for continuous learning. While training is time-bound, the learning cycle must continue. How can a business ensure it? There are several ways, including providing training every year or undertaking new projects which compel the employees to think outside the box and carry out comprehensive research. If your employees do not have up-to-date knowledge and skills, they will lag behind the competitors.


It sums up our views on creating an RPA training strategy for your organisations. Contact us if you require help designing an RPA training strategy or a custom RPA bot. Agile Managex Technologies offers RPA solutions in the UAE and worldwide.

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