Archive for Mansoor

Top 7 technologies in 2024

Unveiling the Technological Landscape of 2024: A Glimpse into the Future

Step into the year 2024, where the realms of science fiction are transforming into tangible realities. In this exploration of the top technological predictions, we delve into innovations set to redefine our lifestyles, work environments, and social interactions. Join us on this journey as we examine the benefits and challenges presented by these cutting-edge discoveries. […]

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Steps to Take Right After a Business Data Breach

Contrary to our beliefs, it is quite often that organizations witness a data breach situation despite considerable investments in their IT security. With the advancement of technology, hackers have also levelled up and become innovative. If a top organization like Facebook can become a victim, what makes you think you aren’t next? A data breach […]

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Ways to Create an Effective Cybersecurity Training Program

With a dramatic increase in cybercrime incidents over the years which has seen top companies like Facebook and Yahoo falling victim, all the organisations, small and big alike, have started taking cybersecurity seriously and have made cybersecurity training a part of their organisation. A considerable percentage of cybercrimes occur due to human error or negligence […]